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  • Jores T, Mueth NA, Tonnies J, Char SN, Liu B, Grillo-Alvarado V, Abbitt S, Anand A, Deschamps S, Diehn S, Gordon-Kamm B, Jiao S, Munkvold K, Snowgren H, Sardesai N, Fields S, Yang B, Cuperus J, Queitsch C (2024) Small DNA elements that act as both insulators and silencers in plants. bioRxiv. doi: 10.1101/2024.09.13.612883.
  • Jores T*, Tonnies J*, Mueth NA, Romanowski A, Fields S, Cuperus JT, Queitsch C (2024) Plant enhancers exhibit both cooperative and additive interactions among their functional elements. The Plant Cell 36, 2570–2586.
  • Gorjifard S, Jores T, Tonnies J, Mueth NA, Bubb K, Wrightsman T, Buckler ES, Fields S, Cuperus JT, Queitsch C (2024) Arabidopsis and maize terminator strength is determined by GC content, polyadenylation motifs and cleavage probability. Nature Communications 15, 5868.
  • Jores T (2024) Erlernen der regulatorischen Grammatik von Pflanzen. Biospektrum 30, 390–392


  • Klie A, Laub D, Talwar JV, Stites H, Jores T, Solvason JJ, Farley EK, Carter H (2023) Predictive analyses of regulatory sequences with EUGENe. Nature Computational Science 3, 946–956.
  • Jores T, Hamm M, Cuperus JT, Queitsch C (2023) Frontiers and techniques in plant gene regulation. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 75, 102403.


  • Cable J, Ronald PC, Voytas D, Zhang F, Levy AA, Takatsuka A, Arimura S, Jacobsen SE, Toki S, Toda E, Gao C, Zhu J-K, Boch J, Van Eck J, Mahfouz M, Andersson M, Fridman E, Weiss T, Wang K, Qi Y, Jores T, Adams T, Bagchi R (2021) Plant genome engineering from lab to field—a Keystone Symposia report. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1506, 35–54.


  • Jores T, Tonnies J, Dorrity MW, Cuperus JT, Fields S, Queitsch C (2020) Identification of Plant Enhancers and Their Constituent Elements by STARR-seq in Tobacco Leaves. The Plant Cell 32, 2120–2131.
  • Sučec I, Wang Y, Dakhlaoui O, Weinhäupl K, Jores T, Costa D, Hessel A, Brennich M, Rapaport D, Lindorff-Larsen K, Bersch B, Schanda P (2020) Structural basis of client specificity in mitochondrial membrane-protein chaperones. Science Advances 6, eabd0263.


  • Makki A, Rada P, Žárský V, Kereïche S, Kováčik L, Novotný M, Jores T, Rapaport D, Tachezy J (2019) Triplet-pore structure of a highly divergent TOM complex of hydrogenosomes in Trichomonas vaginalis. PLoS biology 17, e3000098.


  • Jores T, Lawatscheck J, Beke V, Franz-Wachtel M, Yunoki K, Fitzgerald JC, Macek B, Endo T, Kalbacher H, Buchner J, Rapaport D (2018) Cytosolic Hsp70 and Hsp40 chaperones enable the biogenesis of mitochondrial β-barrel proteins.The Journal of Cell Biology 217, 3091–3108.
  • Weinhäupl K, Lindau C, Hessel A, Wang Y, Schütze C, Jores T, Melchionda L, Schönfisch B, Kalbacher H, Bersch B, Rapaport D, Brennich M, Lindorff-Larsen K, Wiedemann N, Schanda P (2018) Structural Basis of Membrane Protein Chaperoning through the Mitochondrial Intermembrane Space. Cell 175, 1365-1379.e25.


  • Jores T, Rapaport D (2017) Early stages in the biogenesis of eukaryotic β-barrel proteins. FEBS letters 591, 2671–2681.


  • Jores T, Klinger A, Groß LE, Kawano S, Flinner N, Duchardt-Ferner E, Wöhnert J, Kalbacher H, Endo T, Schleiff E, Rapaport D (2016) Characterization of the targeting signal in mitochondrial β-barrel proteins. Nature Communications 7, 12036.
  • Hoseini H, Pandey S, Jores T, Schmitt A, Franz-Wachtel M, Macek B, Buchner J, Dimmer KS, Rapaport D (2016) The cytosolic cochaperone Sti1 is relevant for mitochondrial biogenesis and morphology. The FEBS journal 283, 3338–335211


  • Sauerwald J*, Jores T*, Eisenberg-Bord M, Chuartzman SG, Schuldiner M, Rapaport D (2015) Genome-Wide Screens in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Highlight a Role for Cardiolipin in Biogenesis of Mitochondrial Outer Membrane Multispan Proteins. Molecular and Cellular Biology35, 3200–3211.

* These authors contributed equally